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Fire Chief's Statement on LA Fires

LA Fires

Dear Residents of Corte Madera, Larkspur, and Greenbrae,

Recent wildfires in Southern California serve as a stark reminder of the risks we face here in Marin. Wildfires are a predictable part of our environment, and preparedness is essential to protect our communities and loved ones.

Understanding Our Wildfire Risk

History has shown us that wildfire conditions often repeat themselves. From the Oakland Hills Fire to the Tubbs Fire, we’ve seen how predictable factors like weather, terrain, and vegetation create the potential for devastating fires. Wildfires are no longer confined to a season; they can happen any time of year, and our community must adapt to this reality.

Proactive Measures in Our Communities

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  283 Hits

Be Prepared: Wildfire Evacuation Tips for Larkspur, Greenbrae, and Corte Madera


Dear Residents,

At Central Marin Fire Department, our top priority is ensuring the safety of our community and neighbors during wildfire season. Wildfires can spread rapidly, and being prepared to act quickly is critical to protecting yourself, your family, and your neighbors. Below, we’ve outlined essential tips, tools, and resources to help you stay informed and ready.

Wildfire Evacuation: A Comprehensive Guide for Central Marin

Wildfires are an inherent risk in Marin County, and their dynamic nature requires every resident to be prepared to act quickly and decisively. Evacuation planning is one of the most effective ways to protect lives during wildfire emergencies. This page serves as your detailed guide to wildfire evacuation, tailored to the unique terrain and challenges of Central Marin.

Understanding Evacuations

Wildfires are dynamic and influenced by numerous factors, making their behavior challenging to predict without precise knowledge of the ignition point, weather conditions, and terrain at the time of the fire. This unpredictability underscores the importance of having a well-prepared evacuation plan that can be adapted to real-time conditions. Public safety officials issue three primary types of notifications:

  • Evacuation Warning: Prepare to leave. A short delay to gather essentials may be permissible, but readiness to depart immediately is critical.
  • Evacuation Order: Leave immediately. Do not delay for any reason. Follow all instructions from authorities.
  • Shelter in Place: Stay in a safe location when evacuation is unsafe or unnecessary.

Knowing the difference between these notifications and being ready to act can save lives.

Key Principles for Safe Evacuation

  1. Evacuate Downhill Whenever Possible: Fires move uphill rapidly due to wind and radiant heat.
  2. Take the Shortest Route to Safety: Time is critical. Use the quickest route to the valley floor or a designated safe area.
  3. Stay in Your Vehicle When Evacuating: Vehicles provide protection from smoke, radiant heat, and embers.
  4. Know Two or More Routes: Familiarize yourself with multiple paths out of your area to ensure flexibility during an emergency.
  5. Avoid Fire Roads and Open Space Areas: These routes often have unburned vegetation and are not designed for evacuation.
  6. Dress to Protect Yourself, Even in Your Car: Wear cotton or wool clothing, long sleeves, and long pants. Sturdy shoes or boots, leather gloves, goggles, a floppy cotton hat, and a cotton face covering with an N95 mask provide additional protection.

Step 1: Prepare Before a Wildfire

Create an Evacuation Plan

Develop a personalized evacuation plan for your household. Consider the following:

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  407 Hits

Pile Burning Near Larkspur/Madrone Canyon Begins 4/15/24

Pile burning Central Marin Fire Department Larkspur and Corte Madera Pile burning Central Marin Fire Department - Larkspur and Corte Madera, CA as part of the GHreater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break

Starting the week of April 15, Firefighters, in cooperation with Marin County Parks and Open Space, will begin burning brush piles for disposal in Larkspur's Madrone Canyon (Redwood, Millard, Olive streets) and Kentfield's Blue Ridge. This work, funded by Measure A, is part of the multi-year "Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break" project. The Grea...

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  1696 Hits

CMFD Participating in Scientific Study of Mulch Flammability

Mulch Flammability Study in Marin Mulch Flammability Study in Marin

A coalition of agencies, industries, and scientific organizations have partnered to conduct a scientific study to evaluate the relative flammability of various mulch products sold in Marin.  Choosing the right mulch in wildfire prone areas is important. Some mulches can ignite and spread fire quickly.  Others are less easily ignited and take longer to burn.  Questions about the safety of various types of mulch are some of the most common questions referred to Fire Safe Marin.  Until now, there has been a lack of scientific data to compare various mulch products.

Mulch products have been separated into piles and placed in the field next to the Marin County Fire Department headquarters in San Geronimo.  The product will dry and weather for approximately four months to simulate the condition of mulch found in Marin yards and landscapes.  In the fall of 2023, the plots will be burned.  Marin County Fire Department firefighters will be on scene to ensure safety.  Instruments will be used to measure flame length, rate of flame spread and radiant heat.

This study will enable residents to make informed decisions about the use of fire resistant mulch products.   

The following organizations and agencies are participating in this study:  

  • Cal Poly Humboldt
  • Central Marin Fire Department
  • County of Marin
  • Fire Safe Marin
  • Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority 
  • Ron Alexander & Associates
  • UC Cooperative Extension
  • UCCE Marin Master Gardeners
  • UCCE Humboldt/Del Norte
  • University of California Berkeley
  • UL Research Institute
  • USDA Forest Service Missoula Fire Science Laboratory
  • West Marin Compost
  • Z-Best

  2208 Hits

Prescribed Burn, Corte Madera: Tue, April 18, 2023

Thanks to a favorable weather window and availability of the Tamalpais Fire Crew, there will be a prescribed burn of vegetation piles on a parcel owned by the Town of Corte Madera Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Located west of Endeavor Drive, and south of Granada Drive, these piles were constructed fall 2022 as part of a wildfire hazard reduction project funded by Corte Madera Measure F. 

Smoke will be visible in the vicinity, including from Corte Madera, Strawberry, Highway 101, and parts of Larkspur and the greater Ross Valley beginning approximately 8am. The burn should be completed by mid day April 18.
Burning operations will be managed by Marin County Fire Department and the Tamalpais Fire Crew.
Please reach out to Central Marin Fire Department Hazard Mitigation Specialist Todd Lando at (628) 600-9988 with questions or concerns.

  3180 Hits

Wildfire Defensible Space Inspections Begin April 17

Central Marin Fire Department, in partnership with neighboring fire agencies and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA), will conduct Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations on residential properties in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas of Larkspur and Corte Madera starting April 17, 2023.

A comprehensive report for each property will be available online following the evaluation at This report will provide a detailed analysis of each home's wildfire vulnerabilities, and instructions to improve your safety from wildfires. Some actions outlined in these report are required by law and must be corrected within 30 days.

Reinspections will occur on or after 30 days. Please plan to complete necessary work as soon as possible.

Residents may choose to accompany the Inspectors for a socially distanced tour of their property to find areas that could be improved for defensible space and home-hardening. If nobody is home, that’s okay! Inspectors will evaluate the property from the road/driveway and leave instructions to retrieve the online report.

Please contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 415 275-1185 with any questions.

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  1851 Hits

Employment Opportunity: Lateral and Entry Level Firefighter-Paramedic

Firefighter Job Opportunity Central Marin County California Firefighter Job Opportunity Central Marin County California

Announcing and employment opportunity for Firefighter-Paramedic with Central Marin Fire Authority.

  • $95,921.28 - $116,625.60 Annually
  • Placement on salary schedule may be influenced by experience

Filing Deadline

Open until filled!  Job posting, information, and application available at: or follow the link at


If you are interested in this outstanding career opportunity, please submit your application online at If you have questions regarding this recruitment, please contact our Human Resources Manager, Janet Thiessen, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone or text at (209) 321-3936. Please ensure you leave your name, phone number and reason for calling.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Application are open until filled.

Candidates will receive all communications by email regarding the recruitment process, which includes, but is not limited to, application status and interview scheduling. If you require an alternate means of communications, please contact Human Resources Manager Janet Thiessen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at (209) 321-3936.


The qualifications of each applicant, as set forth in the employment application, will be reviewed.

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  2469 Hits

Follow-Up Inspections Underway in Corte Madera and Larkspur

Uniformed Fire Inspectors will be conducting follow-up Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Inspections on residential properties in Corte Madera and Larkspur beginning June 1, 2022. Inspections are conducted by Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) in cooperation with the Central Marin Fire Department.

The initial Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations conducted last month resulted in a comprehensive online defensible space and home hardening report. These reports outlined steps, both required and recommended, to help reduce each individual property’s vulnerability and improve safety from wildfires. Some issues identified by inpectors are required by law, and MUST be corrected.

Online reports are available to property owners, renters, and authorized representatives, and can be viewed online at A six digit access code provided by the inspectors is necessary to view the report.

Residents can accompany inspectors during the property evaluation to learn about the importance of defensible space and home-hardening. If nobody is home, that’s OK! Inspectors will evaluate publicly visible areas of the property only, and leave instructions to retrieve the online report.

To view a short video on what to expect during an inspection, please click here: Defensible Space & Home Hardening Evaluations (

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  2294 Hits

Public Meeting March 10, 6PM: Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project


Fire has always been a part of the natural history of Marin County MWPA is working with local fire agencies to build resiliency to wildfire into our communities. The meeting below is intended to inform the public about one of MWPA’s projects, the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break project. This project is a collaborative effort developed by Central Marin Fire Department, Marin County Fire Department, Ross Valley Fire Department, Kentfield Fire Protection District, and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority member agencies to reduce fire risk to communities in and adjacent to the Ross Valley and central Marin. The project will reduce wildfire risk and improve forest and ecosystem health by reducing non-native plant cover and reversing fuel buildup as  the result of decades of fire-suppression and deferred maintenance by landowners.

Join a public meeting to learn more about vegetation management methods for wildfire protection and ask questions about the project's components.

Topics covered will include:

  • A description of the project and its goals and objectives
  • Fuels management methods and monitoring
  • CalVTP environmental review process
  • Review of maps and project locations

Meeting Details:
Online Zoom Call
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Zoom Link:
‍Meeting ID: 865 7414 2717
Passcode: 112339
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86574142717# US (San Jose)

Find out more about the Greater Ross Valley Fuel Break project and zoom link for Meeting 1 at

Note: A second meeting is planned for later in the project.

  2458 Hits

Know Your Zone: Evacuation Preparedness Starts Here

ZoneHaven Know Your Zone

Stay informed before, during, and after an #evacuation.
1) Familiarize yourself with your evacuation zone (click evacuation tab)
2) Subscribe to Alert Marin

Evacuations, shelter in place, and other emergency orders may be necessary to protect residents during wildfire, flooding, and other emergencies.

As part of our evacuation plan, the entire county has been divided into individual evacuation zones. Pre-established evacuation zones help first responders and emergency service agencies prepare before an emergency strikes and helps streamline the evacuation process to reduce confusion and help residents evacuate quickly.

The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, Marin County fire agencies, law enforcement agencies, and the county Office of Emergency Services, are improving how evacuation, shelter in place and other emergency orders are issued.  Marin County is using a we based tool called Zonehaven, to help communicate, organize, and manage evacuations.  This stool is used by dozens of  counties in California and the Bay Area, including our neighbors in Sonoma, Napa, Lake, San Mateo, Alameda, and Santa Clara.

It's critical that Marin residents know their zone, and know how to evacuate duuring a wildfire or other emergency.


  3539 Hits

2021-2022 Evacuation Route Vegetation Management Projects

Central Marin Fire Department, in cooperation with the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) and the Greater Ross Valley Fire Agencies, is pleased to announce several evacuation route vegetatioon management projects beginning summer 2021. Work will occur in the public right-of-way and on private property belonging to adjacent landowners between August 1, 2021 and January 31, 2022. Additional details and maps are available on the current projects page.

These projects aim to reduce hazardous vegetation fuels, including dead wood and debris, hazard trees and remove invasive, non-native, and fire-hazardous vegetation adjacent to fire access roads, emergency egress roads, and below power lines. The projects will increase horizontal and vertical clearances around roadways to improve the safety of evacuating residents and for fire apparatus access that will benefit multiple neighborhoods and hundreds of homes in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) surrounding the project area. 

Marin County voters passed Measure C in 2020, which established a 17-member Joint Powers Authority, the MWPA, to fund and oversee proactive state-of-the-art wildfire prevention and preparedness efforts within Marin County. Members include several cities and towns, fire protection districts, and community service districts. The MWPA was formed to develop and implement a comprehensive wildfire prevention and emergency preparedness plan throughout almost all of Marin County. This project is a Core Project that is funded by and within the purview of the MWPA. Core Projects include those projects that focus on wildfire detection, notification, and evacuation; vegetation management and fire hazard reduction; grants management; and public education. 

Purpose and Need
The purpose of these projects are to improve evacuation and ingress/egress routes throughout Corte Madera, Larkspur, and Greenbrae and all communities in the Central Marin Zone. The projects will reduce heat, flame, ember, and smoke impingement on roadways and nearby structures, which will enable safer and more efficient evacuations for residents. Removal of vegetation along roadways will also increase access for emergency responders while reducing cover of invasive weeds and maintaining the health of native vegetation and habitat. 

Project DescriptionS

Vegetation treatment and removal will target invasive, non-native, and fire-hazardous vegetation and accumulated dead biomass along the roads. Treatment activities will typically involve vegetation removal within 10 to 30 feet from the road edge and vertical vegetation clearance up to 15 feet to allow safe ingress and egress of emergency personnel and residents. Vegetation removal may occur up to 100 feet from the road edge where topographical or vegetation fuels require greater treatment distances for the safe evacuation of residents. Areas where fuel treatments may need to extend beyond 30 feet will be determined by a qualified professional who understands forest ecology and fuel management or a fire professional, prior to treatments. Treatments will include the removal of invasive, non-native, and fire hazardous vegetation and accumulated dead biomass along roads. 

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  3767 Hits

2021 Chipper Days: Larkspur and Corte Madera

Central Marin Fire Department , in partnership with FIRESafe MARIN and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, will offer multiple FREE chipper days in Corte Madera and Larkspur in 2021. This curbside pick-up chipper service is funded by Measure F and Measure C (Corte Madera) and Measure C (Larkspur). Chipper programs are designed to encourage property owners to cut and remove hazardous vegetation and improve property maintenance by reducing the cost of hauling and disposing of vegetation. Participation is voluntary, and availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Online registration is required (telephone assistance available if needed) at

Corte Madera

The Town of Corte Madera Residential Chipper Program is funded by Corte Madera Measure F, Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (Measure C), and Central Marin Fire Department, in cooperation with FIRESafe MARIN. Crews will pick up vegetation stacked near the curbside at your residence. There is no limit on chipper pile size in Corte Madera. Register at or by clicking here:

Corte Madera Chipper Registration

  • July 19
  • October 18


The City of Larkspur Residential Chipper Program is funded by Measure C, Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, and Central Marin Fire Department, in cooperation with FIRESafe MARIN. Crews will pick up vegetation stacked near the curbside at your residence. New in 2021 - no limit on chiper pile size.  Register at or by clicking here:

Larkspur Chipper Registration

  • July 26
  • October 25

  4602 Hits

Greenbrae Defensible Space Evaluations to Begin Late June

Greenbrae Defensible Space Evaluations 2021

Central Marin Fire Department and Kentfield Fire Protection District, in partnership with Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA), will conduct Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations on residential properties in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas of Greenbrae starting in late June. (see map, below)

A comprehensive report for each property will be available online following the evaluation.  The report will provide steps to reduce your property’s vulnerability and improve your safety from wildfires. Some actions outlined in this report are required by law.

We encourage residents to accompany the Inspectors for a socially distanced tour of their property to find areas that could be improved for defensible space and home-hardening. If nobody is home, that’s okay! Inspectors will evaluate the property from the road/driveway and leave instructions to retrieve the online report.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 415 275-1185 with any questions.

  3723 Hits

Defensible Space Evaluations begin June 9 in East Corte Madera, Meadowsweet and Chapman neighborhoods

Corte Madera DSpace Evaluation Map 2021

Central Marin Fire Department, in partnership with neighboring fire agencies and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA), will conduct Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations on residential properties in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas of East Corte Madera, Meadowsweet and Chapman neighborhoods of Corte Madera starting June 9.

A comprehensive report for each property will be available online following the evaluation. This report will provide steps to reduce your property’s vulnerability and improve your safety from wildfires. Some actions outlined in this report are required by law.

We encourage residents to accompany the Inspectors for a socially distanced tour of their property to find areas that could be improved for defensible space and home-hardening. If nobody is home, that’s okay! Inspectors will evaluate the property from the road/driveway and leave instructions to retrieve the online report.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 415 275-1185 with any questions.

  3960 Hits

Community Workshop: Prepare for Wildfire! June 2


FIRESafe MARIN and your local fire departments will host a Community Workshop to help residents understand, and prepare, for wildfires.These workshops will teach actionable skills that residents can use right away. Topics include wildfire science, defensible space, home hardening, community preparedness, personal preparedness, and evacuations as well as discussion and Q&A with experts.

5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Wed, June 2: Central Marin & Ross Valley

Visit for zoom link or stream live on Facebook at

  2843 Hits

Prescribed Burns April 15, 19 & 20 in Larkspur

Prescribed burns are planned in the Citron Bowl of the King Mountain Open Space Preserve near Larkspur April 15, 19 & 20, 2021.  Weather dependent, the burning will begin Thursday, April 15, at 10am. Crews will complete the burns Monday, April 19 and Tusday April 20 if needed. Please understand that this date is fluid and the final decision is made early on the morning of the planned burn, to evaluate actual weather conditions that day. Final burn decisions are made based on safety and air quality. Bay Area Air quality permissive burn status can be monitored here -
This project aims to use prescribed burning to remove piles of vegetation cut in the fall and winter of 2020 as part of a fire hazard reduction and invasive plant removal project in the Citron Bowl area of the King Mountain Open Space Preserve. The Tamalpais Fire Crew from Marin County Fire Department will conduct the burns, in cooperation with Central Marin Fire Department and Marin County Parks and Open Space.

For more information, contact Todd Lando, Hazard Mitigation Specialist at Central Marin Fire Department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

  2636 Hits

Fire Hazard Mitigation Work to Begin along Railroad Tunnel Bike Path in Early April

Central Marin Fire Department and Marin County Parks will begin phase one of a planned fire hazard reduction project April  5, on County owned land near the railroad tunnel bike path between Tunnel Lane and Montecito Drive. Funded primarily by Marin Tax Measure C (2020) and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA), this project aims to control the spread of invasive, fire-hazardous vegetation like french broom, reduce the buildup of dead vegetation that might increase the intensity of wildfires, improve the safety of evacuation routes and nearby homes, and restore the health of native plants and wildlife habitat. 
Work will continue in phases through 2021, beginning with manual broom pulling and picking up dead and down woody material without the use of machinery to occur for 5 days in early April. A second phase, to include tree pruning and removal of larger material will resume after July 31.
The area was surveyed by Marin County Parks biologists to ensure the safety of nesting birds, bats, and woodrats and cleared for hand work to begin immediately. Additional information on Central Marin Fire Department's wildfire hazard mitigation program, and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority is available at and

  2297 Hits

Employment Opportunity: Greater Ross Valley Wildfire Mitigation Specialist/Defensible Space Lead

The Greater Ross Valley Fire Agencies (Marin County Fire Department, Ross Valley Fire Department, Kentfield Fire Protection District, and Central Marin Fire Authority) are seeking to fill the position of Defensible Space Lead position. Fixed-term appointments may be made for up to a one-year period. Continued appointment in this position is contingent upon funding and job performance. This is an “at will” position. This position has limited benefits available and will be fully funded through the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA).

Under general direction, the Wildfire Mitigation Specialist/Defensible Space Lead develops, plans, oversees, and monitors vegetation management projects and/or programs, including projects related to fire fuel modification, working closely with local fire agencies, public land managers, nongovernmental organizations, and adjacent private property owners; provides lead direction to assigned staff; manages the “Defensible Space” inspection program, and performs related duties as assigned.

This position is being offered by Ross Valley Fire Department, and prospective candicdates should visit their employment page here.

  2666 Hits

Controlled Burns in Larkspur: February 8-11, 2021

Marin County Open Space District staff maintenance crew plan to burn the vegetation piles at Baltimore Canyon Open Space Preserve (243-323 Wilson Way and Hatzic Ct) 2/8- 2/11.  This is a planned burn of vegetation cut earlier in the season.  The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) permit is weather and wind dependent - crews will be on site at approximately 8am to begin preparations and will commence igniting piles at 10am. This work is planned but tentative, so if Open Space staff are unable to proceed they will look for other opportunities to address these piles in the coming months.  Fire suppression equipment from Marin County Open Space (hoses, vehicles) will all be on site and crews will be monitoring/tending piles closely. 

Local residents should experience minimal air quality impacts, as the operation plan is to burn the piles as hot as possible which creates little smoke as possible (but not smoke-free).  Residents with smoke sensitivities or other health considerations may want to plan to be elsewhere during these operations, from approximately 9am to 4pm. 

This type of controled pile burning to reduce wildfire vegetation fuels is a valuable tool to help reduce hazardous vegetation on open space lands near homes, and is conducted in a safe manner only when weather and vegetation conditions allow.

  2451 Hits

Employment Opportunity: Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority Planning and Program Manager of Operations


Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority
Planning and Program Manager of Operations
Full Time Compensation: $95,000 - $130,000 Annual
With benefits in Accordance with Authority Policies

Join an innovative new organization created in 2020 to address the threat of catastrophic wildfire in Marin County, California. The visionary voters of Marin County passed Measure C, “The Marin Wildfire Prevention and Mitigation Initiative.” As we have seen in the last several years, fires know no boundaries, and the voters in Marin County have recognized the time is now to prepare and plan for addressing this massive risk. A groundbreaking endeavor and the first of its kind in the State of California, the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) was born out of Measure C and is now positioned as the central coordinating agency charged with addressing the risk of wildfire in Marin County. Under this voter approved initiative, MWPA will enable the 17 local fire agencies serving Marin County to work together as a single Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to develop and implement a comprehensive wildfire prevention and emergency
preparedness and response plan for Marin County. The newly created agency has a 17- member Board of Directors, an Operations Committee, and an Advisory/Technical Committee all working together to address the following:

  • Defensible space around homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure, get the initiative up and running
  • Vegetation Management and Fire Hazard Reduction
  • Early Alerts and Organized Evacuations

At this time, the MWPA’s staff includes an Executive Officer, and part-time support services provided by staff from Southern Marin Fire District. The newly created Planning and Program Manager of Operations Position is the first position created to help implement the plan. MWPA is seeking a highly motivated self-starter who is passionate about the mission of the organization and inspired to take on the challenge of helping to build a new organization from the ground up. This position will be key to the success of the organization with primary responsibility for leading the implementation of MWPA’s operational and environmental services programs.

To apply for this position, please send your cover letter, resume, the attached Supplemental Questionnaire, 3 professional and 1 personal reference via email to Liza Andre, Human Resources Manager, Southern Marin Fire District: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For further information on the position, please visit

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  3299 Hits