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Fire Prevention Bureau

Fire Prevention, Life Safety, Vegetation Management, Wildfire Hazard, Public Education, Inspections, and Code Enforcement.

Fire Prevention and Life Safety

Central Marin Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau provides full-service Fire Prevention and Life Safety services including code-enforcement, inspections, public education, and hazard abatement.



Read the Larkspur Municipal Code, including fire and building ordinances.

Corte Madera

Corte Madera

Read the Corte Madera Municipal Code, including Fire and Building Ordinances.

Fire Prevention Documents

Prevention Documents

Download our Fire Standards and Ordinances.

Ruben Martin

Ruben Martin, Fire Chief, Fire Marshal

Fire Prevention and Life Safety are critical objectives in the mission of the Central Marin Fire Department. Through the adoption of fire codes and standards, we reduce the risk of fires and conflagration, which help protect the lives and property values in Corte Madera, Larkspur, Greenbrae, and neighboring communities.

Ruben Martin, Fire Chief


Coming soon!

Vegetation Management Fire Codes


Section 4907.2 Fire Hazard Reduction. Any person who owns, leases, controls or maintains any building or structure, vacant lands, open space, and/or lands within specific Wildland-Urban Interface areas of the jurisdiction of the Town of Corte Madera shall comply with the following:

  1. Cut and remove all fire-prone vegetation within 30 feet of structures, or up to 150 feet when topographic or combustible vegetative types necessitate removal as determined by the Fire Code Official.
  2. Remove accumulated dead vegetation on the property.
  3. Cut and remove tree limbs that overhang wood decks and roofs.
  4. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within 10 feet of any chimney or stovepipe, roof surfaces, and roof gutters.
  5. Clean any leaves and needles from roofs and gutters.
  6. Cut and remove growth less than 3 inches in diameter, from the ground up to a maximum height of 10 feet, provided that no crown shall be raised to a point so as to remove branches from more than the lower one-third of the tree's total height.
  7. Vegetation clearance requirements for new construction and substantial remodels in Wildland-Urban Interface Areas shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, as amended by the Town of Corte Madera.


Section 4907.2 Fire Hazard Reduction. Any person who owns, leases, controls, or maintains any building or structure, vacant lands, open space, and/or lands within specific Wildland Urban Interface areas of the jurisdiction of the City of Larkspur shall comply with the following:

  1. Cut and remove all fire-prone vegetation within 30 feet of structures, up to 150 feet when topographic or combustible vegetative types necessitate removal as determined by the Fire Code Official.
  2. Remove accumulated dead vegetation on the property.
  3. Cut and remove tree limbs that overhang wood decks and roofs.
  4. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within 10 feet of any chimney or stovepipe, roof surfaces, and roof gutters.
  5. Clean any leaves and needles from roofs and gutters.
  6. Cut and remove growth less than 3 inches in diameter, from the ground up to a maximum height of 10 feet; provided, that no crown shall be raised to a point so as to remove branches from more than the lower one-third of the tree’s total height.
  7. Vegetation clearance requirements for new construction and substantial remodels in Wildland-Urban Interface Areas shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, as amended by the City of Larkspur.

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