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NEW Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) Maps 2025

Cal Fire FRAP Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) -  Central Marin Cal Fire FRAP Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) - Central Marin

CAL FIRE has released the updated 2025 Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps, identifying areas with moderate, high, and very high wildfire risk within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA).  Check your property’s fire hazard classification and learn how these updates may impact you. Click here to learn more.

In accordance with Government Code Section 51178.5, the Central Marin Fire Authority is mandated to facilitate public access to the proposed map and host public comment period.

It is important for the public to understand that these maps are created by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) under the direction of the State Fire Marshal. Our local fire agency does not control the creation of the map but is required to ensure the community has the opportunity to review and provide feedback.

California Government Code Section 51179(a) mandates that local agencies "shall designate, by ordinance, moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones in [their] jurisdiction within 120 days of receiving recommendations from the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Section 51178.  The Central Marin Fire Authority (CMFA) received these maps on February 24, 2025.

These maps aim to provide valuable information for land use planning, building code enforcement, and wildfire risk mitigation strategies. Public input can help identify concerns, validate data, and improve the understanding of how these zones may impact residents, businesses, and emergency response planning.

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Free Webinar: Evacuation & Warnings; How to Survive a Wildfire

TONIGHT, Tuesday, August 25 at 6pm!
Free Webinar—Evacuations & Warnings: How to Survive a Wildfire

Due to the large number of wildfires and associated evacuations that we are experiencing, our webinar topic this month will be "Evacuations & Warnings: How to Survive a Wildfire". Join Todd Lando, Battalion Chief/Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist at Central Marin Fire Department, to learn how to prepare your family and yourself to survive and safely evacuate a wildfire.

Can't join tonight? The webinar will be recorded and available on our website and Facebook for later viewing.

Our originally scheduled webinar "Community Organizing for Fire Preparedness" has been rescheduled for next month.

When: August 25, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Evacuations & Warnings: How to Survive a Wildfire
Join on Facebook live stream or via zoom here:

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May 11, 2020

Dear Resident,

Fire Department’s throughout Marin have been in continuous contact with the Marin County Health and Human Services Department regarding the current state of the COVID-19 health crisis, and more importantly on what are the best practices during the Shelter at Home Order as restrictions begin to ease. Certain activities, such as fire hazard mitigation and defensible space clearance, have been allowed to continue with social/physical distancing and proper utilization of face coverings.

During the months of June through September, the newly created Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority “MWPA”, supported by your local fire agency, will begin conducting individual defensible space and home hardening evaluations in West Marin, Ross Valley, Kentfield, Larkspur, and Corte Madera. The MWPA evaluation teams, wearing proper facial coverings, will be going door-to-door requesting access to the exterior of your property to conduct a complete and comprehensive 360-degree evaluation of your home and property. The evaluations will be used to assist homeowners in making their homes and properties defensible from fire.

The evaluation teams will be evaluating whether your home currently meets wildland-urban interface “WUI” defensible space and construction requirements and will make recommendations on how to improve your homes ability to survive a wildfire. The evaluation will also determine if your property meets the requirements for defensible space as required by the California Public Resource Code Section 4291 and the California Fire Code Section 4907.2 and 4908 (see the attached requirements). Properties that are determined to be in violation of the defensible requirements may be referred to your local fire department for further action.

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In an effort to protect the general public and the employees of all Marin County Fire Agencies, and reflective of the Shelter in Place Order (SIP) issued April 29, 2020 by the Health Officer of the County of Marin, requests for all non-essential fire inspections were previously suspended.


The intent of this MODIFICTION is to respect the county order to shelter in place, limit personal contact and exposure, and to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible.  

The following fire inspections will be evaluated and scheduled on a case by case basis:

  • Starting May 4, 2020, construction inspections including verification of project scope (close-in), fire protection systems inspections, vegetation management/defensible space, photovoltaic, generator, ESS/battery systems, and final fire construction inspections may be eligible for Inspection.
  • Also eligible are investigation and/or inspection of reported hazardous conditions that impact fire protection systems or conditions that reflect a threat to life safety. Persons reporting a hazardous condition shall email the local fire agency (see reverse for contact information) with a request to investigate. The request shall include the reporting party’s name, address and phone number, and a brief narrative of the issue and photos or videos (when possible).

The following shall be REQUIRED prior to scheduling and receiving an inspection:

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Roadside Fuel Reduction Projects During COVID-19

March 23, 2020

Dear Residents,

The Central Marin Fire Department has been in continuous contact with the Marin County Health and Human Services Department regarding the current state of the COVID-19 health crisis, and more importantly on what are the best practices during the Shelter at Home Order. As you are aware certain activities have been allowed to continue, as long as social distances of 6 feet or greater are maintained.

The County urges non-essential outdoor services to be deferred to minimize risk of transmission.  However, there are some outdoor services that would be considered essential and are permitted under this Order, including fire reduction work, maintaining growth along curbs and medians in order to ensure visibility along roadways, minimum basic operations necessary to maintain the value of a business, and other tasks that are essential to the health and safety of the public.

The Central Marin Fire Department, Town of Corte Madera, and City of Larkspur will continue its vegetation management and hazardous fuels reduction projects along our PRIMARY and SECONDARY evacuation routes while maintaining social distances.

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Fuels Reduction During COVID-19 Shelter at Home Order.

March 23, 2020


Dear Residents,

The Central Marin Fire Department has been in continuous contact with the Marin County Health and Human Services Department regarding the current state of the COVID-19 health crisis, and more importantly on what are the best practices during the Shelter at Home Order. As you are aware certain activities have been allowed to continue, as long as social distances of 6 feet or greater are maintained.

The County urges non-essential outdoor services to be deferred to minimize risk of transmission.  However, there are some outdoor services that would be considered essential and are permitted under this Order, including fire reduction work, maintaining growth along curbs and medians in order to ensure visibility along roadways, minimum basic operations necessary to maintain the value of a business, and other tasks that are essential to the health and safety of the public.

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  1840 Hits

FREE CHIPPER WEEKEND: Corte Madera Residents Only


Corte Madera Residents

October 19th & 20th , 2019

Central Marin Fire Department & the Town of Corte Madera have partnered to sponsor a free chipper day. Dispose of your brush, branches, and dead vegetation.

WHERE: The Cove School Parking Lot
(330 Golden Hind Passage)

WHEN: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Saturday October 19th , 2019

             12 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Sunday October 20th, 2019        

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