FREE CHIPPER WEEKEND: Corte Madera Residents Only
Corte Madera Residents
October 19th & 20th , 2019
Central Marin Fire Department & the Town of Corte Madera have partnered to sponsor a free chipper day. Dispose of your brush, branches, and dead vegetation.
WHERE: The Cove School Parking Lot
(330 Golden Hind Passage)
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Saturday October 19th , 2019
12 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Sunday October 20th, 2019
WHY: To provide a more “fire-safe” community.
This is also an opportunity to clear primary and secondary evacuations routes and roadways. Vegetation encroaching into the roadway or limiting visibility from driveways
is more than a nuisance, it's a hazard.
For the safety of our workers, please follow these guidleines:
- Vegetation for disposal should be fire-hazardous - any dead vegetation, fallen limbs, or fire-hazardous species put your property at risk (see
- Collection is for “vegetation” waste only. No lumber, appliances, trash, metal objects, batteries, hazardous waste, etc. will be accepted.
- Stumps and poison oak will not be accepted.
- Any small plant material that has been pulled out by the roots must be free of rocks and dirt or it will not be accepted.
- No wire or metal of any kind may be mixed with the yard waste.
- Proof of Corte Madera residency is required.