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Roadside Vegetation

Madrone Canyon Roadside Vegetation Clearance: Winter 2020

Central Marin Fire Department has identified high hazard areas in Larkspur where improvements can be made to reduce the amount of hazardous vegetation located along your PRIMARY and SECONDARY EVACUATION ROUTES. Many properties located on and around “Madrone Canyon” were found to be non-compliant for roadside vegetation clearance.

The Town of Corte Madera has partnered with Central Marin Fire Department to provide funding for the initial clearing of vegetation located along the roadway fronting your property. During the month of February, 2020 ver a period of 7 days, personnel from the Town and the Fire Department will be working with private contractors to begin the clearing of vegetation along the roadways in Madrone Canyon and surrounding neighborhoods.  Read below to learn more about this important program:

Letter to Residents of Madrone Canyon and Surrounding Neighborhoods: February 11, 2020

Download the full letter and "opt-out" form in PDF format

Dear Property Owner,

Since 2015, California and the North Bay have experienced a dramatic increase in the number and frequency of catastrophic wildfires. Marin has a long history of significant wildfires, including many in Larkspur and nearby communities.

The California Fire Code (Section 4907.2 and 4908), International Wildland Urban Interface Code, and City of Larkspur Municipal Code all require that any person who owns, controls, or leases property located within a designated Wildland Urban Interface “WUI” Zone maintain 100-150 feet defensible space around structures, 15 feet of vertical clearance over roadways, and 10 feet of horizontal clearance along roadsides and driveways.

Central Marin Fire Department has identified high hazard areas in Larkspur where improvements can be made to reduce the amount of hazardous vegetation located along your PRIMARY and SECONDARY EVACUATION ROUTES. Many properties located within Madrone Canyon and the surrounding Christmas Tree Hill area were found to be non-compliant for roadside vegetation clearance. 

The City of Larkspur has partnered with Central Marin Fire Department and FIRESafe Marin to provide funding for the initial clearing of vegetation located along the roadway fronting your property. During the last week of February 2020, personnel from Larkspur, Central Marin Fire Department, and FIRESafe will be working with private contractors to begin the clearing of vegetation along the roadways.  The work will include the following:

  • Cut back or remove vegetation and tree limbs that encroach into the roadway.
  • Remove low hanging tree limbs that extend over the roadway to create at least 15-feet of vertical clearance.
  • Remove hazardous or combustible vegetation located along the roadway and up to 10 feet (horizontally) where access is available and removal is appropriate. Vegetation to be removed includes (but is not limited to) bamboo, juniper, acacia, and fountain grasses located on the right-of-way side of any fence. 
  • Remove tree limbs to 6-10 feet above ground on mature trees along the edge of roadways, and up to 10 feet (horizontally) where access is available and removal is appropriate.

Property owners may request to “opt out” or not participate in this free program. Property owners who opt-out are still required to maintain vegetation located within 10’ of roadways on their property, at the owner’s expense. If you choose not to participate, please sign and return the “opt-out” form attached to this letter as soon as possible.

Additional information on the program, with diagrams and specifications for the clearance work is available online at


Ruben Martin

Fire Marshal, Central Marin Fire Department

Fire Code References

California Fire Code (Section 4907.2, Section 4907.8), International Wildland Urban Interface Code, and Town of Larkspur Municipal Code all require that any person who owns, controls, or leases property located within a designated Wildland Urban Interface “WUI” Zone maintain 100-150 feet defensible space around structures, 15 feet of vertical clearance over roadways, and 10 feet of horizontal clearance along roadsides and driveways.

  Example Images

The following are general examples of the type and structure of of vegetation that will be removed to improve evacuation routes and emergency vehicle access.  Hover over the image to see the proposed vegetation clearance.

roadside 6 before


roadside 6 before


roadside 6 before


roadside 6 before


roadside 6 before


roadside 6 before

Privacy Screening

Crews will be attempt to minimize the impact to privacy screening, however residents must be aware that the presence certain combustible screen plants may constitute a fire hazard and violation of codes and ordinances. 

Central Marin Fire Department encourages residents to choose fire-resistant privacy screen plants, and maintain them so that they do not intrude into the public right-of-way or impede emegency vehicle ingress and egress.

See for information on fire-resistant privacy screens and hedges. 

  Work Calendar

We anticipate work to occur February 22-29, 2020.


Work will be perfomed by private tree-services and contractors.  The Tree Man LLC will be the primary contractor for FIRESafe MARIN.


Coming soon!


Coming soon!