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Serving Corte Madera and Larkspur, California since 2018

Latest News

19 March 2025
CAL FIRE has released the updated 2025 Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps, identifying areas with moderate, high, and very high wildfire risk within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA).  Check your property’s fire hazard classification and learn...
21 January 2025
Dear Residents of Corte Madera, Larkspur, and Greenbrae, Recent wildfires in Southern California serve as a stark reminder of the risks we face here in Marin. Wildfires are a predictable part of our environment, and preparedness is essential to prote...
14 January 2025
Dear Residents, At Central Marin Fire Department, our top priority is ensuring the safety of our community and neighbors during wildfire season. Wildfires can spread rapidly, and being prepared to act quickly is critical to protecting yourself, your ...
04 April 2024
Starting the week of April 15, Firefighters, in cooperation with Marin County Parks and Open Space, will begin burning brush piles for disposal in Larkspur's Madrone Canyon (Redwood, Millard, Olive streets) and Kentfield's Blue Ridge. This work, fund...

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About CMFD

Central Fire Department is a consolidated department with the mission of protecting lives, property and the environments of Corte Madera and Larkspur, California through education, prevention and community service while working together in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest respectful and ethical. Our Fire Department continues a tradition of fire protection in our communities dating back more than 100 years. 

Central Marin Fire Chief Scott Shurtz

Fire Chief Ruben Martin

Thank you for visiting the home of Marin's newest consolidated Fire Department, serving the communities of Larkspur, Corte Madera, and incorporated Greenbrae.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to add content and functionality to our website.  The men and women of the Central Marin Fire Department are committed to providing high quality services to our residents and guests with compassion and professionalism.  Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any feedback regarding your experience with our members.  We are always interested in learning how we can improve, and of course we also love to hear when we have exceeded your expectations.

Fire Chief Ruben Martin
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (415) 927-5077

Defensible Space

Your home's first line of defense against an approaching wildfire. Defensible Space is required by law fro all residents of Larkspur, Corte Madera, and Greenbrae's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas. Semi-annual Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations are conducted to help residents understand and mitigates their home's vulnerabilities, and comply with the law.

Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Program

Central Marin Fire Department, along with The City of Larkspur and Town of Corte Madera and other Marin fire agencies, participate in the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA). 

With funding provided by MWPA and Marin Tax Measure C (2020), Central Marin Fire Department manages a comprehensive wildfire hazard mitigation program, including defensible space inspections and home-hardening evaluations, roadside and evacuation route vegetation management, hazard tree removals, resintial chipper programs, and other services to reduce wildfire hazards and manage community risk.

2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Update

FIRESafe MARIN is pleased to announce the countywide adoption of the updated 2020 Marin County Community Wildfire Protection Plan. This document builds on the 2016 CWPP and represents more than a decade of work by a diverse group of community stakeholders, fire officials, and wildfire science experts to produce a countywide approach to addressing wildfire risk and hazard, and provides a framework for current and future mitigation efforts.

Current Incidents

Contact Us

Central Marin Fire Department strives to serve the public with friendliness and efficiency.  Please contact us with questions or requests for assistance.