By Super User on Monday, 28 February 2022
Category: CMFD News

Public Meeting March 10, 6PM: Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project

Fire has always been a part of the natural history of Marin County MWPA is working with local fire agencies to build resiliency to wildfire into our communities. The meeting below is intended to inform the public about one of MWPA’s projects, the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break project. This project is a collaborative effort developed by Central Marin Fire Department, Marin County Fire Department, Ross Valley Fire Department, Kentfield Fire Protection District, and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority member agencies to reduce fire risk to communities in and adjacent to the Ross Valley and central Marin. The project will reduce wildfire risk and improve forest and ecosystem health by reducing non-native plant cover and reversing fuel buildup as  the result of decades of fire-suppression and deferred maintenance by landowners.

Join a public meeting to learn more about vegetation management methods for wildfire protection and ask questions about the project's components.

Topics covered will include:

Meeting Details:
Online Zoom Call
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Zoom Link:
‍Meeting ID: 865 7414 2717
Passcode: 112339
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86574142717# US (San Jose)

Find out more about the Greater Ross Valley Fuel Break project and zoom link for Meeting 1 at

Note: A second meeting is planned for later in the project.